Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of nine lake club members elected by the members for a term of three years.

The Directors have the general charge of the affairs, funds and property of the club. They make rules for the custody and government of the lake, boating, water skiing, and and fishing, and all property and equipment of the Club. They ensure that the bylaws or rules and regulations are adhered to.

Tom McBride: President

6724 SW Aylesbury Rd

Contact Tom

Kurt Bossert: Vice-President

7544 SW Blue Inn Pl

Contact Kurt

Megan Clay: Secretary

3735 SW Herefordshire Rd

Contact Megan

John Wendling: Treasurer

7151 SW Fountaindale Rd

Contact John

Jo Hunt

7031 SW Fountaindale Rd

Contact Jo

Paul Feist

3624 Blue Inn Rd

Contact Paul

Randy Forbes

7619 SW Robinhood Ct

Contact Randy

Rob Seitz

7061 SW Fountaindale Rd

Contact Rob

Mike Morse

3941 SW Chelmsford

Contact Mike

Lake Patrol Phone 785-221-2628 (221-BOAT)
Lake Manager Phone 785-221-3248

Eric Bauer, Lake Manager
Jessica Likos, SLC Office